Call today for a Red Team threat assessment:     (332) 208-5900

Red Team Integration Between both Cyber and Physical Security


Tagmata integrates proven cyber tactics, techniques, and procedures for the systemization of preparedness, awareness, identification protection, and counter-response to business and brand risk.


Tagmata Solutions

For Zero Trust Cyber Security Organizations:

Who We Are

Tagmata is the national leader in advanced cybersecurity solutions, engineering, governance plus custom software for business, and brand risk reduction. Tagmata combines proven engineering and operational tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to ensure increased cyber threat awareness and intelligence. Tagmata leverages its battle-hardened experience in adversarial TTPs to integrate custom solutions, software and GRC for advanced Cyber Domaine Awareness, cloud interdependencies, anomaly detection, operational visualizations, and proactive threat incident response.


Engineering Services


Team Operations

Tagmata AI 

Security Software



Technical Infrastructure Audit and Vulnerability Assessment


Tagmata will start by identifying all critical technical assets and processes within the organization. These include physical assets, such as servers, routers and information on network services, remote access locations, what information travels over the network, who, what and when data can be accessed etc.

Crisis Management and Incident Response


Develop an Incident Response Playbook that will provide necessary guidance during the chaos of an incident, and allow your organization to more quickly restore your digital process, regain customer trust while minimizing risk to your Brand.

Information Security and Cyber Risk Assessment


Tagmata will assess the control requirements which will be derived from internal and external governance factors. Atlantic IT Group will make “high-level” recommendations based upon these Internal factors to recommend potential security framework, such as NIST or ISO while also providing some recommendations on External factors such as General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI-DSS”).

Cyber Security Tools

Tagmata Threat Intelligence Software

Red Team Services

Offensive tactics, techniques & procedures on your organization's cyber and physical security teams